The butterflies of Liberia: transforming the lives of former teen soldiers

The butterflies of Liberia: transforming the lives of former teen soldiers

Following Liberia’s brutal civil wars in the late 1990s and early 2000s, a large portion of young men were left traumatized and marginalized. Anthony Kamara, a former child soldier, believes that these men, while having lost years to the violence, have their hidden colors waiting to emerge. Through the mental health nonprofit Network for Empowerment… Continue reading The butterflies of Liberia: transforming the lives of former teen soldiers

The great plastic culture shift: 3 ways we’ve fallen out of love with plastic

The great plastic culture shift: 3 ways we’ve fallen out of love with plastic

Plastic is a huge polluter of the environment, with almost 100 billion bits of plastic packaging thrown away each year in the UK alone. However, efforts are being made to reduce plastic pollution, and from this month, businesses in England are prohibited from supplying, selling, or offering certain single-use plastic items. Although there is still… Continue reading The great plastic culture shift: 3 ways we’ve fallen out of love with plastic

The mother of three teaching young people how to make sense of the news

The mother of three teaching young people how to make sense of the news

In a world where people are bombarded with conflicting news headlines and misinformation on a daily basis, news literacy has become a vital life skill. Founder of the News Literacy Lab, Jodie Jackson, emphasizes that we must equip ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate the complex and often polluted information landscape. Jackson has launched… Continue reading The mother of three teaching young people how to make sense of the news

Inside the super sewer cleaning up London

Inside the super sewer cleaning up London

The River Thames in London is getting a £4.5bn ($5.8bn) Super Sewer, with the UK’s largest construction project since privatisation underway. The network is up to 65 metres deep, storing 1.6 million tonnes of sewage. The culvert will be full of waste, saving the Thames from untreated sewage spills totalling tens of millions of tonnes… Continue reading Inside the super sewer cleaning up London

Three good things: new state-of-the-art libraries

Three good things: new state-of-the-art libraries

Public libraries are often considered a place to borrow books and read. However, modern libraries have evolved into transformative community spaces. They routinely host exciting workshops and offer interactive design features that stimulate imagination. Three innovative libraries embodying these values are the Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez in Barcelona, Parramatta Library in Australia, and Shanghai Library… Continue reading Three good things: new state-of-the-art libraries

What went right this week: big oil in court and solar farms in space

What went right this week: big oil in court and solar farms in space

1. New data shows that Britain is becoming more liberal as views on social and moral issues have shifted over the past four decades. The annual British Attitudes Survey reveals that 67% of people now support same-sex relationships, up from 17% in 1983. The survey also found that 76% support a woman’s right to choose… Continue reading What went right this week: big oil in court and solar farms in space

From dithering to dynamism: how UK businesses can ramp up progress on the SDGs

From dithering to dynamism: how UK businesses can ramp up progress on the SDGs

Global Goals Week is currently running until September 24th in an attempt to meet the Sustainable Development Goals before the six-year deadline. Over 150 partners have come together from a mixture of businesses, academia, the UN and civil society to accelerate the 17 goals, which aim to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace… Continue reading From dithering to dynamism: how UK businesses can ramp up progress on the SDGs

20 ways to go beyond England’s new single-use plastic ban

20 ways to go beyond England’s new single-use plastic ban

With businesses no longer able to supply, sell or offer certain single-use plastic items in England, there are plenty of ways to reduce your own plastic use at home. Swap plastic milk bottles for refillable glass from your local dairy, corner shop, indie grocery store or national delivery network such as Drink Milk. Make what… Continue reading 20 ways to go beyond England’s new single-use plastic ban

What went right this week: ‘spectacular’ renewables boom keeps 1.5C in sight

What went right this week: ‘spectacular’ renewables boom keeps 1.5C in sight

This week brought good news from different parts of the world. The International Energy Agency updated its benchmark Net Zero Roadmap, revealing a spectacular growth in clean energy that is narrowing the path to hitting the 1.5C target. Despite the energy sector spewing record carbon emissions in 2022 a rapid deployment of green technologies is… Continue reading What went right this week: ‘spectacular’ renewables boom keeps 1.5C in sight

Our world is beautiful: winning images from the world’s largest photography awards

Our world is beautiful: winning images from the world’s largest photography awards

Cewe, a photo printing firm, has crowned Indonesian photographer Ariani Dikye the winner of its photography competition, themed ‘our world is beautiful.’ The winning photo depicted a woman slamming down a winning card in a traditional Indonesian teahouse game of dominoes, capturing the joy that comes from community gatherings in a moment. The winning image… Continue reading Our world is beautiful: winning images from the world’s largest photography awards