Hardship on the streets of Liverpool: ‘The benefit cap put millions of children in poverty overnight’

Hardship on the streets of Liverpool: ‘The benefit cap put millions of children in poverty overnight’

ot;,”url”:”https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jul/24/keir-starmer-indicates-he-will-consider-scrapping-two-child-benefit-cap”},”ajaxUrl”:”https://api.nextgen.guardianapps.co.uk”,”format”:{“display”:0,”theme”:0,”design”:10}}”> Opponents of the cap argue that it unfairly targets low-income families and goes against the principles of a welfare state. The Baby Bank in Bootle is just one of many community-led initiatives that have sprung up in response to growing levels of child poverty and food insecurity in the UK. Fans Supporting Foodbanks, for… Continue reading Hardship on the streets of Liverpool: ‘The benefit cap put millions of children in poverty overnight’