The sci-fi drama film, The Kitchen, directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares portrays a post-apocalyptic London community known as the Kitchen. In this near-future, social housing no longer exists and the community refuses to be forced out of their home. The film follows the lives of Izi, played by Kane ‘Kano’ Robinson, and Benji,… Continue reading ‘The Kitchen’ ending explained: What happens to Benji and Izi?
Author: Adam Starkey
‘The Kitchen’ soundtrack: every song in the Netflix film
Labrinth and Alex Baranowski are the composers behind the musical score of the sci-fi drama, The Kitchen. Directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares, The Kitchen introduces a post-apocalyptic London where social housing is denied access to the struggling community. The film follows the story of two protagonists Izi and Benji, refusing to abandon their… Continue reading ‘The Kitchen’ soundtrack: every song in the Netflix film
Here’s what Pedro Pascal said about Kieran Culkin in bleeped Emmys speech
After jokingly blaming Kieran Culkin for his arm injury at the Golden Globes, Pedro Pascal continued his teasing at the Emmys. While presenting the award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series, Pascal attempted to explain the reason behind his injury. In his bleeped out speech, Pascal said “A lot of people have been asking… Continue reading Here’s what Pedro Pascal said about Kieran Culkin in bleeped Emmys speech
‘Poor Things’ ending explained: what happens to Bella Baxter?
Yorgos Lanthimos’ new film, “Poor Things,” is predicted to be one of the standout films of the 2024 award season. Emma Stone stars as Bella Baxter, a young woman who is resurrected by a scientist after committing suicide and embarks on a self-discovery journey with a wild lawyer. The film is based on Alasdair Gray’s… Continue reading ‘Poor Things’ ending explained: what happens to Bella Baxter?