Rebecca Keatley, the beloved CBeebies presenter known for entertaining children nationwide, is expecting her first child with her partner Jim. As she prepares for the arrival of her baby, Keatley reflected on the importance of shows like Let’s Play and how they become a vital part of families’ lives. Keatley worked in children and youth television for 11 years, but her interest in the field began when she was a teenager who auditioned for The Disney Club. After working in theatre, TV dramas, and promotions, Keatley secured her role as co-presenter on Let’s Play alongside Sid Sloane and the CBeebies House.
One of the challenges Keatley faced as a presenter on CBeebies was the lack of preparation time due to the low budget and quick content that had to be produced. However, she found that not having time to think and being spontaneous often resulted in the best content. Keatley’s perspective on the shows she produces changed as she prepared for motherhood, and she understands even better how important it is for families to treasure the characters and shows that become part of their daily lives.
Keatley learned about the auto-immune condition from her body’s reaction to various things, including the make-up needed for television work. However, during her pregnancy, her condition improved, and she was able to eat and drink everything, a welcome change from her chemical sensitivities. Keatley hopes to deepen her understanding of nutrition and gut health for the sake of her child’s well-being and future generations.
As Keatley anticipates the birth of her child, she continues to inspire kids and parents nationwide with her engaging programs on CBeebies. Her work on Let’s Play and the CBeebies House has had a lasting impact on the families that watch it
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