A unique and innovative new stage show is set to debut in Leeds this week, revealing a selection of secrets by teenagers from the UK and Iceland. The young people, aged between 14 and 18, submitted about 1,000 anonymous secrets, ranging from light-hearted to very serious admissions, to be used in the show called ‘Secrets’.
The secrets have been used by the main creative force behind the show, Icelandic theatre director and choreographer Ásrún Magnúsdóttir, to create the script and lyrics for the musical. In addition to taking the secrets submitted and categorizing them into themes such as love, sex, and family issues, specific secrets also inspired some of the titles for songs, such as the hit from the show, ‘Chills in My Ass’, which was directly taken from one of the anonymous submissions – “I get chills in my ass when I see something that disgusts me”.
The musical is set to have its world premiere in Leeds this week and will feature young, local performers performing songs created from the teenage secrets. Some of the secrets submitted were funny or trivial, while others were troubling and deeply sad. For the secrets deemed the latter, there were no fun music treatments, with Ásrún and the musical collective behind the show opting to focus on their seriousness without creative commentary.
The co-writers of the show, including performer Hannah Yeboah, say that the project has made them more aware that people are often dealing with more than they might be willing to reveal, stating that “most people really underestimate how much people go through in general life”. At the same time, the hope is that the show may resonate with some people to indicate that they are not alone in dealing with their worries and ambitions
Read the full article from The BBC here: Read More