MF DOOM’s notebooks returned to widow following lengthy legal battle

MF DOOM’s notebooks returned to widow following lengthy legal battle

, 89.8195073 26.8916667, 91.0056135 27.5058587, 91.6190058 L36.1313675, 100.244949 C36.2505163, 100.366669 36.3785475, 100.473244 36.5116148, 100.563144 L58.7631944, 114.329545 C60.7857246, 115.060796 63.2142754, 115.060796 65.2368056, 114.329545 L87.4883852, 100.563144 C87.6214525, 100.473244 87.7494837, 100.366669 87.8686325, 100.244949 L96.4941413, 91.6190058 C97.1083333, 91.0056135 97.3813471, 89.8195073 96.9022752, 87.5693203 L96.3169552, 85.2894893″ fill=”#000000″>

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In an exclusive statement to Mixmag, the Rhymesayers Entertainment label co-founders El-P and Aesop Rock, who worked with DOOM prior to his passing, expressed their thoughts on the resolution.

Run The Jewels’ El-P said: “I’m super relieved to hear this news. Of course, I have my own personal memories and stories of the great DOOM that I hold dear. But the ether of the man also digs deeper with every new generation of artists that finds inspiration in his work. Therefore, keeping his private creations and thoughts where they belong is paramount for helping that continue.”

Aesop Rock added: “I’m happy to hear that the situation with DOOM’s personal notebooks seems to have been resolved in a way that the people closest to him are on board with.”

El-P and Aesop Rock released the collaborative album ‘Run The Jewels 4’ in 2020, which featured a posthumous verse from MF DOOM on the track ‘A Few Words For The Firing Squad (Radiation)’.

Thompson concluded the statement by expressing her appreciation to DOOM’s fans and colleagues for their support amid the dispute.

“Your unwavering support has been truly heartwarming. On behalf of DOOM’s family and myself, I’d like to say thank you,” she said.

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