Lifford attack victim Charles Dooher 'cannot breathe for himself'

Lifford attack victim Charles Dooher 'cannot breathe for himself'

Severely Injured Individual Struggles to Walk, Talk, or Breathe Independently

Keiron Tourish


Family picture A young man with brown hair and stubble, wearing a Donegal jersey, holds a border collie puppy on his knee. The puppy is mid yawn and its tongue is out. He gently holds the puppy's ears with both hands, stretching them apart.Family picture

Charles Dooher suffered severe head injuries in the attack

Following a horrific attack, a man is currently in a critical condition, unable to perform basic functions such as walking, talking, or breathing on his own, leaving his future uncertain.

Charles Dooher, a 26-year-old farmer from Lifford in County Donegal, was viciously assaulted at his home by a masked gang wielding iron bars and other weapons on 20 January.

His girlfriend, Charlotte Gallen, expressed deep sorrow at the devastating impact the attack has had on her partner.

The couple had aspirations of marriage and starting a family, but now face an uncertain road ahead due to the severity of his injuries.