“DJ” among professions included in UK’s skilled worker visa list

“DJ” among professions included in UK’s skilled worker visa list

Recent research has shown that DJs are classified as “skilled workers” under the UK’s post-Brexit Visa rules. A study analyzing Home Office data from 2021-2024 revealed that DJs were part of a group of “middle skilled” workers who were granted visas during that period. Alongside professions like cabin crew, fitness instructors, and veterinary nurses, DJs were recognized for their particular skills, as reported by The Guardian.

University of Oxford researcher Robert McNeil uncovered this data and highlighted that while these professions may not be the first that come to mind when considering critical roles for UK employers to recruit from overseas, they are nonetheless challenging and require specific skills. This shift in criteria for skilled worker visas post-Brexit was a result of the decreased requirements set by the Home Office, explained in a blog post by McNeil.

Despite the inclusion of “middle-skilled” jobs in the eligibility list, Home Office sources clarified that foreign workers entering the UK under this scheme must still be sponsored by an employer and receive a minimum salary of £38,700 annually. The skilled worker visa allows successful applicants to stay in the UK for five years, with additional provisions for DJs and musicians to apply for a Creative Worker visa concession allowing for a three-month work period.

Furthermore, the UK also offers the option of a Creative Worker visa, requiring a certificate of sponsorship, which permits artists to stay in the country for up to 12 months, working 20 hours a week. Moreover, there are opportunities for artists, entertainers, and musicians to be sponsored by “Permit Free Festivals” to work in the UK for a six-month period. Notable festivals such as The Warehouse Project, Creamfields, and Wireless are among those included in this sponsorship program

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