'Being a furry is like wearing a superhero cape'

'Being a furry is like wearing a superhero cape'

Scotiacon is Scotland’s largest furry convention. Fennick Firefox, a man who dresses up as a cartoon fox, uses his furry alter-ego to escape his everyday struggles. The act of putting on a fur suit allows him to let go and enjoy the moment. Fennick is just one of many people who attended the convention, which has over 1,700 attendees. Jeremy Smith, Scotiacon’s co-director, says the convention provides an opportunity to forget about the real world for a weekend.

The furry community began in the 1980s. It was a subculture of people who loved science fiction comics, books, and fan art. They began to dress up as anthropomorphic animals, such as cats, dogs, unicorns, and dragons. The community grew with the internet, and it is now estimated that hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are part of the fandom. Many furries insist that they do not identify as animals. Instead, they liken the activity to cosplaying.

The costumes, or “fur suits,” can often cost thousands of pounds, and many

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