BLOG | Making the most of every pound

BLOG | Making the most of every pound

Liverpool City Council will be setting its budget for 2025/26 in the upcoming weeks, according to Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Cllr Ruth Bennett. The budget has been in the works for many months, with extensive planning and detailed work carried out. From government grants to locally raised money, every pound is treated with the utmost care to ensure that the Council invests in quality services that benefit the public.

The focus of the Council has been centred around responsible spending and increasing investments into areas that matter most to the public. More resources have been dedicated towards neighbourhoods by bringing the Streetscene service back in-house to work with local councillors and community organisations. The initiative has been highly successful, with reports of fly-tipping declining by 5.7% and a drop in street cleaning and weeding requests of around 25%. Additionally, 40 new parking enforcement officers are being recruited to tackle the problem of inconsiderate driving.

The Council’s commitment towards bringing every penny owed to Liverpool City Council has been exemplary. The in-year council tax collection rate has improved significantly and is better than other leading “core” cities, and businesses that have outstanding payments will be pursued much more robustly. The Council has also critically assessed its Council Tax Support Scheme for the first time in a decade, ensuring that it’s fit for purpose, while reviewing the single person Council Tax discount that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of pounds in additional income per year.

Efforts are directed towards streamlining customer services further, and Liverpool City Council has introduced a new case management platform to provide more online services, real-time updates, and access to information over the phone or in-person. Although the council faces demand pressures in the areas of social care, homelessness, and SEND transport, the impact is being mitigated through carefully planned and executed projects.

Moreover, Liverpool City Council received more money from the Government this year as funding arrangements shifted to target deprived areas. The Comprehensive Spending Review carried out by the Government in the long term will provide Liverpool City Council much-needed clarity about funding allocation in the ensuing years. The review provides a clear path and will make the progress the council has made in the last 18 months sustainable and keep them well positioned for the future

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