Supacell, a superhero series created by Andrew Onwubolu, also known as Rapman, has become one of the top Netflix shows of the year. The show follows a group of ordinary people in south London who develop superpowers and unite to fight off a secret organization trying to control them. The series stars Tosin Cole as Michael Lasaki and Adelayo Adedayo as Michael’s fiancée Dionne Ofori, alongside other talented actors such as Eddie Marsan, Nadine Mills, Eric Kofi-Abrefa, Calvin Demba, Josh Tedeku, and Rayxia Ojo. All six episodes were released on Netflix on June 27, 2024.
As of July 24, Netflix has not yet renewed the show for a second season. However, considering the positive critical and audience reception, an announcement regarding the show’s future is likely to come soon. Rapman, the show’s creator and showrunner, has already planned a story that spans three seasons if Netflix decides to pick it up. He stated, “I told them that I want three seasons. I suppose we have to see how season one performs. But I know I’ve very much made clear that I want to do three seasons minimum.”
Supacell is led by a diverse cast of black actors, providing an empowering representation of the black community. Rapman, who also made Blue Story, tackles the social issues and stereotypes that the black community faces, such as police brutality and gang violence, while also emphasizing the importance of community and friendship. The show’s incredible soundtrack, which features artists such as Stormzy and Little Simz, adds to its powerful message. Supacell’s legacy seems promising, as it tackles many current issues in society while providing positive representation for black people
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