The Amazon Prime Video’s superhero series, “The Boys,” has just released its penultimate episode of season four. The show, which follows a team of vigilantes fighting against superpowered enemies who abuse their powers, has been named by NME as one of the best TV shows of 2024 so far. Fans took to social media to express their reactions to the “uncomfortable” and “gruesome” seventh episode, particularly the shocking scene in which Homelander rips Web Weaver in half on screen.
On Twitter, one user wrote, “This has gotta be one of the most diabolical kills on the show,” while another stated that it had to be the most gruesome death Homelander has ever done. Fans have even labelled the previous episode, with its twists and disturbingly graphic scenes, as “fucking diabolical.”
In a four-star review of the new season, NME wrote, “With season five already confirmed, the return of a few familiar faces and a lot of characters confronting their pasts, this season sometimes feels like the set up for an eventual endgame scenario.” The review also notes that the pace never slows down despite the plot-heavy storyline.
Chace Crawford, one of the show’s stars, recently spoke out about a scene in which he had to simulate sex with an octopus, stating that it almost led to a panic attack. The season finale of “The Boys” season four is set to air next week, with season five already confirmed. Fans of the show will also be pleased to know that the spin-off show “Gen V” has introduced a potentially supe-killing biological weapon
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