Bam Margera, star of the infamous show Jackass, has reportedly pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct linked to a family altercation that occurred in his home in 2023. The altercation resulted in his brother Jess suffering a ruptured eardrum, and Margera was charged with assaulting his brother and threatening other members of his family. The announcement of the charges was made by state police on April 24, 2023.
Jess appeared in court last year and spoke positively of his brother when he wasn’t “messed up.” However, Jess also claimed that Bam had shown troubling behaviour for two decades and had exhibited erratic behaviour during the two-week visit to his home.
Bam pleaded guilty to two summary offences, and Judge William J Brennan noted that Bam had turned his life around and had already won “his case” by being clean and sober.
Bam has been making an effort to stay sober, announcing his first 100 days sobriety milestone in December of 2023. The star thanked actor Mark Wahlberg for supporting him and staying sober for 120 days in a video. Wahlberg replied that he was impressed by the achievement and congratulated him on his sobriety progress
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