The latest action thriller to land on Netflix is Trigger Warning. It stars Jessica Alba as a skilled special forces officer named Parker and is directed by Mouly Surya. The film sees Parker taking ownership of her father’s bar in her hometown following his mysterious death. However, she soon finds herself locked in a conflict against a violent gang in the area.
Trigger Warning also stars Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Webber, Jake Weary, Tone Bell, Gabriel Basso, Kaiwi Lyman and Hari Dhillon. The film is generating buzz among Netflix viewers, who are praising Alba’s action-packed performance.
Towards the end of the movie, Parker confronts senator Ezekiel Swann, who reveals that her father was killed by her ex-boyfriend Jesse. Jesse discovered the weapon smuggling operation in the caves run by the Swann family and shot Parker’s father after he refused to cut a deal. Parker sets out to avenge her father’s death and goes on a rampage through the caves. She kills Elvis and others on her path before eventually confronting Jesse.
In a knife fight that ensues, Jesse confesses his guilt for betraying Parker and her father. He then activates a grenade in his hands amid the struggle, ultimately blowing himself up in front of Parker. The film concludes with Parker speaking with local dealer Mike over the phone and passing ownership of the bar to him, before driving off into the distance with her covert ops partner, Spider.
Trigger Warning has been lauded for its riveting storyline and action scenes. Fans of the genre will undoubtedly enjoy this thrilling ride
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