It comes as no surprise that the latest British Social Attitudes survey reveals public trust and confidence in the UK government is at a record low. A general discontent is present due to perceived broken promises, struggling public services, and the anger caused by Partygate lies.
There’s much discussion surrounding what needs to change to re-engage people in politics and restore trust in governing bodies. Whether it entails a complete overhaul of the system or constructive tweaks, it’s apparent that something has to be done.
Young people, on the other hand, may appear disengaged with politics, but the British Election Study shows the opposite to be true. Younger individuals are more likely to have started activism at a young age and are also the most likely group to engage in political activities.
To restore integrity and trust in government, where would we begin? Are there potential solutions such as lowering the voting age or tightening up lobbying rules? Could outlawing political point-scoring be the answer? Might we need to crack down on cronyism? What’s the best way to move beyond short-termism?
Could citizen’s assemblies serve as an advisory panel of ordinary people to restore trust in government? Or should we go as far as to hold referendums for every law change? With regards to encouraging empathy in politics, there are numerous ideas that could lead to progress such as mandatory shadowing of people most affected by particular changes in policy or the introduction of compulsory counselling for those seeking public office.
What role can the media play in this? From proposing constructive tweaks to suggesting a complete system overhaul, we want to hear from you. While we may not be able to publish all the answers, we will certainly read them
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