During a recent show in Manchester, Liam Gallagher premiered the “rap” from the Sawmills demo of Oasis’ “Columbia.” The band released the previously unheard version of the song, titled “Columbia (Sawmills Outtake),” last week to preview their upcoming 30th anniversary edition of “Definitely Maybe.” The extended early take of the track clocks in at over seven minutes and boasts “hypnotic rhythms” that “spiral into delayed drums and droning feedback,” as well as a ‘rapped’ segment from Liam.
At his show at the Co-Op Live arena on Saturday night, the singer incorporated the ‘rap’ into his live performance of “Columbia.” Later, a fan asked Liam if he was “gonna rap again for the rest of the tour,” to which he responded: “Why not.” He then told another follower that the new live version was “there to stay.” Footage of Gallagher performing the song can be seen in the fan-shot videos.
Liam’s current “Definitely Maybe” 30th anniversary tour has included numerous other tracks from the era, including the Noel-sung “Half The World Away” and Noel’s Oasis-era “Lock All The Doors” demo. Ahead of Liam’s homecoming gigs over the weekend, a blue plaque was installed at a Lidl supermarket in Manchester – commemorating the show that he “almost” played there this year.
In August, Liam Gallagher will play “Definitely Maybe” in its entirety when he headlines Reading & Leeds 2024. He’s also spoken about the chances of a “(What’s The Story) Morning Glory” 30th anniversary tour in 2025. Fans who still want to catch Liam Gallagher can check out the full list of upcoming tour dates
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