Rina Sawayama has shared on Instagram that she will be releasing a new single, titled ‘I’m Free’, that features Paris Hilton and is expected to drop at the end of next month. The announcement came in the form of a video that Sawayama posted, in which the singers engage in a text conversation, which reveals that some time ago Hilton sent Sawayana a message titled “Free,” and proposed they collaborate. The video then shows Sawayama responding enthusiastically, and the exchange ends with a confirmation from the singers that the track is ready for release.
This news comes after Sawayama, in March, disclosed that she was being prevented from releasing her next album under her current conditions. Sawayama cited uncomfortable mental health issues in detailed comments on Twitter. Her situation was complicated by aspects of her “Trapped” single seemingly being owned by label Dirty Hit, co-owned by The 1975 and its manager Jamie Oborne. Worryingly, dirty Hit has lately signed a lot of new contracts with artists.
Hilton, meanwhile, recently announced that she was working on her second album, which will be named ‘Infinite Icon,’ and which will be produced by none other than Sia. Notably, Sawayama’s latest project, ‘Hold Me Like a Girl,’ was just released a few months ago as well.
Ultimately, both Sawayama and Hilton have been quite busy in recent months, with the former enjoying great success with her music, and the latter branching out into a number of new business ventures, including being an executive producer on Sawayama’s track
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