Paul McCartney reveals inspiration behind lyric in ‘Yesterday’

Paul McCartney reveals inspiration behind lyric in ‘Yesterday’
Paul McCartney reveals inspiration behind lyric in ‘Yesterday’

Paul McCartney has revealed that the inspiration behind a lyric in one of his most famous songs, The Beatles’ ‘Yesterday,’ came from a conversation he had with his mother several years before writing the song. The song released back in 1965 has been covered over 2000 times by other artists, making it one of the most performed pieces of music of all time. The line by McCartney, “I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday,” in the song’s bridge, which appears twice in the song, was subconsciously inspired by this conversation.

In his podcast ‘A Life in Lyrics’, McCartney spoke about the conversation with his mother, in which he embarrassed her because of the way she spoke. She was a nurse, so she had something sort of going for her, and she would talk what they thought was a little bit posh, and it was a little bit Welshy as well – she had connections. “I know that she said something like ‘Paul, will you ask him if he’s going …,’ ” he continued. “I went ‘Arsk! Arsk! It’s ask mum.’ And she got a little bit embarrassed. I remember later thinking ‘God, I wish I’d never said that’. And it stuck with me. After she died I thought ‘Oh fuck, I really wish … ’”

The Beatles are also getting a biopic for each member of the band. Four biopics are to be made by Sony Pictures Entertainment in the coming years, with each member getting their own perspective represented. Sam Mendes is set to direct all four films. The biopics will be told from each band member’s point-of-view and will intersect to “tell the story of the greatest band in history.” The films are expected to be released in 2027.

Furthermore, a woman who found and returned Paul McCartney’s long-lost bass guitar is now hoping that she may be in store for a reward. The bass guitar dubbed as the most important bass in history for its role in recording numerous Beatles hits was stolen from the musician in 1972, only to be returned to him last week

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