Michael Santiago Render, aka Killer Mike, was taken into custody after an alleged physical altercation backstage at the Grammy awards ceremony on Sunday, January 4, 2022. The Run The Jewels star was celebrating his first Grammy award in over a decade before footage of him being escorted out of Los Angeles’ Crypto.com Arena in handcuffs began to circulate on social media. The artist was charged with a misdemeanor, released, and scheduled to appear in court later this month.
Despite being in police custody, Killer Mike picked up three awards during the ceremony for Best Rap Song, Best Rap Performance, and Best Rap Album. This marks his first Grammy wins since Outkast’s “The Whole World” in 2003. The track ‘Scientists & Engineers’ featuring André 3000, Future, and Eryn Allen Kane was awarded both Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance.
The LAPD issued a statement to The Independent indicating that they had detained and handcuffed a male adult for a physical altercation that occurred at the 700 block of Chick Hearn Court. The suspect was identified as Michael Render and booked for Misdemeanor Battery 243(A) PC. He was in the process of being released at the time of the statement.
Since being released, the artist shared a video on Twitter of the moment he won Best Rap Album, captioning the post with “DREAMS COME TRUE – IT’S A SWEEP!”. It is unclear whether or not the artist will face any legal repercussions as a result of the incident
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