How Buckinghamshire became a hotspot for Ukrainian refugees

How Buckinghamshire became a hotspot for Ukrainian refugees

blems finding a doctor when she moved to the UK, but now that she has health insurance through work, she has been able to settle better.

“When I first moved here, it was very difficult to find a doctor who would take me as a patient,” she says.

“But now, with health insurance, it’s easier to access healthcare services and I feel more settled.”

Anna works at a firm that helps businesses transition to a more sustainable future and has been enjoying life in Buckinghamshire, where she loves the green spaces and fresh air.

“I am lucky to have people around me who have helped me settle in and overcome the challenges of moving to a new country,” she says.

Like Iryna, Anna misses her family and friends back home in Ukraine and says it’s hard not being able to see them as often as she would like.

She believes it’s important to keep in touch with loved ones, even if it’s just through a phone call or video chat.

“It’s the little things that help you feel connected even when you’re far away,” she adds.

Read the full article from The BBC here: Read More