Luis Piovesana's family 'devastated' after body found in river

Luis Piovesana's family 'devastated' after body found in river

The tragic discovery of a body in the River Frome has left a family in Bristol devastated after the missing man, Luis Piovesana, was found by police divers on Monday. The somber news came after an extensive search effort involving over 100 officers, as well as friends and family of the 26-year-old. The Avon and Somerset Police confirmed that the body was located in the Napier Road area of Eastville at 18:00 BST.

In a heartfelt social media post, Luis Piovesana’s sister, Lubjana Piovesana, expressed the family’s devastation over the loss, stating, “Luis has been found. We are completely devastated, but he has passed away.” She further shared, “Luis was my little brother and loved by everyone. I wish he could have seen the love from everyone. He will be remembered by us all.”

While the formal identification of the body is pending, detectives have met with the Piovesana family and provided updates. Avon and Somerset Police expressed their sympathies for the family amidst the challenging time, offering continued support from specialist officers. The timeline of events leading up to the tragic discovery of Mr. Piovesana’s body reveals moments of concern and a community coming together in search efforts.

Mr. Piovesana, originally from Birmingham, was last seen on CCTV footage at the Eastgate Retail Park after arriving there via a taxi from a venue in St Jude’s. His family, including his sister Lubjana, had been diligently searching for him over the weekend and requested assistance from the public. The outpouring of support from friends, volunteers, and even police resources underscored the collective effort to locate Luis Piovesana. The community’s unity and dedication to finding answers reflect the impact of his warm and loving character on those around him

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