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557 C522.94 72.804 521.942 72.155 520.894 71.106 C519.846 70.057 519.197 69.06 518.654 67.663 C518.244 66.606 517.756 65.022 517.622 62.101 C517.479 58.943 517.448 57.996 517.448 50 C517.448 42.003 517.479 41.056 517.622 37.899 C517.756 34.98 518.244 33.394 518.654 32.339 C519.197 30.942 519.846 29.945 520.894 28.894 C521.942 27.845 522.94 27.197 524.338 26.653 C525.393 26.243 526.979 25.756 529.898 25.622 C533.057 25.479 534.004 25.448 541 25.448 C547.996 25.448 548.943 25.479 552.102 25.622 C555.021 25.756 556.607 26.243 557.662 26.653 C559.06 27.198 560.058 27.846 561.106 28.895 C562.154 29.944 562.803 30.941 563.346 32.338 C563.756 33.394 564.244 34.98 564.378 37.899 C564.521 41.057 564.552 41.996 564.552 50 C564.552 57.996 564.521 58.943 564.378 62.101 L565.378 62.101 Z”>
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OMEARA declined to comment to Mixmag on the allegations made by Fossil Free London.
The nightclub commented on Instagram yesterday: “We confirm that the event taking place at OMEARA on Wednesday 12th Jan, does not have any affiliation with our brand.”
OMEARA also posted on Twitter about the situation, writing: “OMEARA is not affiliated with any political movements or groups. Any events taking place are put on by third party promoters.”
The venue has confirmed that the event was relocated, however, the location of the new event has not been revealed.
Read this next: South London gallery OMEARA raided during lockdown party
On the ARC Twitter account, it is noted that “All ARC events and parties are influence the culture, and push a message of unity and success”.
In this article, we read about Spotify reportedly donating $150,000 to US President Donald Trump’s Inauguration and an event featuring Acid house originator Danny Rampling that took place in London. The event was attended by figures from the Trump administration and was described as empowering. There was an afterparty scheduled at the Southwark nightclub OMEARA which caused controversy and backlash from activist groups calling for its shutdown. The event had to be relocated, but the new venue was not disclosed. OMEARA clarified that they are not affiliated with any political movements or groups and that any events held there are organized by third-party promoters.
The article also mentions that the ARC event strives to influence culture and promote a message of unity and success
Read the full article from Mixmag here: Read More