Wrexham: Worries over changes to 20mph limit slow reversal

Wrexham: Worries over changes to 20mph limit slow reversal

Most people in Wrexham county want the 52 roads under consideration to revert back to 30mph despite a public consultation in favour of extending the 20mph limit. Councils across Wales are reassessing the 20mph limit after half a million people petitioned the Welsh government to withdraw it. Safety concerns mean that Council’s in Wales are now taking a “cautious approach” to the slow-down policy though it had initially been endorsed by the Welsh government. In September 2023, the Welsh Government switched the default speed limit, most 30mph roads become 20. Data from the first year of the policy revealed that it had led to there being approximately 100 fewer people seriously injured or killed on 20 and 30mph roads.

Local authorities are reviewing the policy, with some contemplating switching more roads back to 30mph. As the slow-down policies prove to be controversial, Wrexham Council’s councilor, Mark Prichard, has called it “a mess from the start” and feels that the Welsh Government has ignored warnings. It adds up to millions of pounds at a time when local authorities is suffering for cash.

The reversal plan for these 52 roads has already received support from the public. Dave Bithell, Wrexham council’s strategic member for transport, had delegated powers to make the changes; however, he emphasised that the matter would now go to the executive board for a joint evaluation before any final decision.

Bithell added the council has never been in a position like this. When it comes to road speeds in the past, they have always sought to reduce them rather than increase them. It is essential to strike a balance between safety and speed on these roads. Increased speed can lead to a higher risk of harm if accidents occur, making it harder to toggle the speed limit on Welsh roads

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