London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, has established the city’s inaugural “Nightlife Taskforce” to tackle issues facing the city’s nightlife scene. Numerous industry experts will meet regularly over the ensuing six months, in an attempt to establish recommendations for the regard of London’s nightlife. Khan had promised the group during his mayoral campaign, along with commitments to the establishment of “Night Time Strategies” and a “new London Nightlife Fund.”
During a press conference at Farringdon’s fabric, Khan revealed that while club closures were a nationwide issue, and London wasn’t the hardest hit city, troubling figures revealed that 19.7% of venues in the capital have closed since the COVID-19 outbreak. The mayor vowed to try to halt the decline and also reverse it. Fabric co-founder and director Cameron Leslie will serve as the chair of the group, with numerous significant figures from many nightlife venues invited to participate.
The group counts Corsica Studios’ past Head of Operations and Art Director Alice Hoffmann-Fuller, Pxssy Palace founder Nadine Noor, Colour Factory founder Nathaneal Williams, and Daytimers founder Provhat Rahman among its members. Experts who possess significant experience in the nightlife industry, including CEO Michael Kill of NTIA, UK Hospitality CEO Kate Nicholls, and External Affairs Manager for the Music Venue Trust Sophie Brownlee, will all be giving their perspectives concerning the assistance Sadiq Khan can give to safeguard their industry from further closures.
The Nightlife Taskforce’s goal is to provide insight as to how the Mayor of London can guard London nightlife venues against the threat of closure. The group will also offer their perspectives on strategies to extend Night Tube and Overground provisions and provide a perspective on developing Borough-specific Night Time Strategies. The task force will also have an advisory group composed of representatives from the Metropolitan Police, Transport For London (TFL), and nightlife consultancy the Vibe Lab. Their findings will help define nightlife policy into the future
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