Looking after your mental health

Looking after your mental health

Mental health concerns have become increasingly common, often caused by social issues such as loneliness, financial worries, and relationship problems. However, it’s essential to understand that you’re not alone and that professional help is available to everyone in need. If you or someone you know has mental health troubles, you may avail of the services mentioned below:

If you need mental or physical wellbeing assistance, please contact the Life Rooms at 0151 478 6556 or visit www.liferooms.org. They offer a great support network for anyone experiencing any health problems.

If you’re grappling with financial worries, make sure to ring Citizen’s Advice Liverpool for free advice. You may call 0808 278 7840 or visit citizensadviceliverpool.org.uk for more information.

You may visit liverpoolcamhs.com for kids and young people or merseycare.nhs.uk for adults if you’re looking for NHS mental health services in Liverpool.

Remember, in case of an emergency where you or someone you know is in grave danger, call 999 immediately. On the other hand, for urgent help 24/7, dial 111 and choose the mental health option.

If you need someone to talk to any time, day or night, the Samaritans provide a 24-hour listening support network. Call 116 123 or visit www.samaritans.org for more information.

Feeling overwhelmed with your life at present? You may get immediate text-based support by sending the word SHOUT to 85258.

Kind to Your Mind Liverpool has more resources and mental health support available. Visit kindtoyourmindliverpool.co.uk to find local resources and learn more about mental wellbeing.

Amparo is an emotional and practical suicide support service that provides assistance. Call 0330 088 9255 or visit amparo.org.uk if you have been affected by suicide.

“Remember that it’s okay not to be okay. Be good to yourself and others and seek help if you or someone you know needs it,” the professionals say

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