Wales: Grooming gang victim's story 'downplayed' in Senedd

A survivor of grooming gangs has called for an inquiry to investigate the scale of the issue in Wales. Speaking on BBC Politics Wales, the woman, identified under pseudonym as Emily Vaughn, asserted that perpetrators are experts who are more intelligent than the police and the issue should be a concern for the public. Her comments were prompted by confrontation between the Senedd’s Presiding Officer Elin Jones and Conservative group leader Darren Millar, who raised Vaughn’s story in Senedd on Tuesday. Jones accused Millar of being insensitive, but has since apologised and praised the woman for speaking out. The Welsh government denies the existence of widespread grooming gangs.

In the interview, Vaughn revealed that she was first groomed at 11 before being raped at 14. She was then trafficked to Telford, Blackpool and different places in Wales, where she was raped repeatedly. She pointed out that sexual exploitation is not only rape, it also involves torture, biting and violence. She

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