Reusable cups: SSE Arena to charge non-refundable £1 levy

The SSE Arena in Belfast is introducing a £1 charge for customers’ first drinks to move towards using reusable plastic cups. The charge will not be refunded and will cover transport costs for cups to be cleaned at a new washing facility in Carryduff. Belfast Giants fan Nicola Jones, who helps run an unofficial supporters’ group for the ice hockey team, criticised the charge, which is essential to cover operational costs as the venue switches to reusable cups, the SSE said. It is one of seven venues in the city piloting a scheme to remove single-use plastic cups at gigs and events by 2025.

Jones said she understood the need to create a greener environment but saw no benefit in the scheme for customers. Visiting other venues in England, she had experienced a refundable deposit on cups or the option to take them home to wash and use again. Some other UK venues, including Edgbaston Stadium and the Motorpoint Arena, charge a refundable deposit. The SSE Arena visitors, however, “will not have to pay their one pound levy again” when buying supplementary drinks in reusable cups.

A spokesperson for the SSE Arena said that the lack of access to a local wash plant made the reusable cup scheme unviable until now. Since 2018, the arena had been exploring the concept, and the £1 levy had been introduced as a transparent approach to funding the scheme. The spokesperson added that the SSE would support the Odyssey Trust’s green initiatives with any surplus funds. The Waterfront Hall and the Ulster Hall, two other venues to adopt the reusable cup pilot, said they would not charge customers a levy.

The initiative will last for a year and is supported by Visit Belfast and driven by Venue Sustainability Forum. The Black Box, Oh Yeah Centre, The MAC and Voodoo, and event supplier North Down Marquees will provide and deliver reusable cups, along with a washing facility to clean them. The used cups will then be collected and redistributed

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