Actors Tyger Drew-Honey, Daniel Roche, and Ramona Marquez, who played the children in the British sitcom Outnumbered, have returned for a Christmas special. The original show ran from 2007 to 2014 and followed the Brockman family’s everyday life. The Christmas special sees the Brockmans reuniting, with Sue and Pete hosting their grown-up children and Jake introducing his new partner, Rani, and daughter, Zara. However, the latest episode also explores a more serious storyline as Pete is diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer.
Back in their original roles, the actors looked back fondly on their time on the show. They previously enjoyed playing hide and seek in their trailers and practical jokes with the crew, adding to the show’s family atmosphere. While the actors said returning to the show had its anxieties, it provided a unique experience, returning to an old environment where thing felt largely the same but they were different. Marquez, in particular, was just five years old when the show began.
Drew-Honey, Roche, and Marquez are all in their 20s now. Drew-Honey has been busy with comedy Cuckoo and his documentary series, Tyger Takes On. Roche graduated from King’s College London and played rugby, while Marquez starred in The King’s Speech before graduating from the University of Manchester.
The sitcom won critical acclaim while on air. It won the best sitcom prize at the British Comedy Awards in 2009 and was most popular sitcom at the National Television Awards in 2012. Fans will be pleased to see the Brockmans again in the Christmas special which aired on BBC One on December 26th and is available on BBC iPlayer.
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