The cast of beloved British sitcom Gavin & Stacey reunited one last time for the premiere of the show’s final episode. Stars including James Corden, Ruth Jones, Joanna Page, and Matthew Horne gathered on the red carpet for the screening of the Christmas Day special in London. It marked the end of an era for the actors who brought to life characters like Nessa, Smithy, Mick, Pam, Uncle Bryn, Gavin, and Stacey.
The actors who played Dave Coaches and Jason West were also in attendance to promote the feature-length final episode, which will air on BBC One on Christmas Day. During her red carpet interview with BBC News, Jones, who played the character of Nessa, revealed that she tries to channel her inner Nessa when she feels nervous. She admires her character’s directness and the fact that she doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
Gavin & Stacey first aired in 2007 on BBC Three. Jones co-created the show with fellow co-star James Corden, and has portrayed Nessa Jenkins throughout the series. Nessa, who is famous for her catchphrases “Oh!”, “What’s occurring?” and “Tidy”, has had a variety of jobs over the years, including truck driver, BBC producer, and goalkeeping coach at Coventry City.
The final episode sees Gavin, Stacey, Smithy, and Nessa reuniting one last time, following the 2019 Christmas special which ended with Nessa proposing to Smithy. Cordon said of the experience of filming the final episode, “It may sound like complete nonsense, but it doesn’t really feel like we’re in charge of writing it. I feel like we just have to be together and we sort of open a portal and the characters arrive and they tell us what they want everybody to know”. Fans of the show will have to wait until Christmas Day to see what the characters have in store for their final hurrah
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