Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, attended the UK premiere of Moana 2 and said that fans should be free to sing along in cinemas. Johnson, who is reprising his role as the voice of Maui alongside Auli’i Cravalho as Moana, expressed his view on cinema etiquette regarding fans singing in cinemas. The issue was debated on social media with some arguing that singing ruins others’ experiences, while others believed fans should be able to express their enjoyment. Johnson was clear in his advice to fans, saying, “Sing! You’ve paid your hard earned money for a ticket, and you’ve gone into a musical, and you’re into it. Sing.”
Moana 2 follows the original film’s Polynesian teenager and Maui three years later on a new adventure with an “unlikely crew of seafarers,” as described by Disney. On the red carpet, the evening was transformed to create the atmosphere of a Polynesian island, complete with palm trees, a beach, and dancers. Cravalho, who first played Moana aged 16, said that “Moana is at the forefront of a conversation where the word princess and hero are now interchangeable.” She also expressed her excitement at returning to the role. Johnson, who voices demigod Maui in the film, explained that being a wrestler was not the same as a demigod. He also mentioned that his daughters loved seeing him take on the role, feeling represented, and drawing from the film.
The original Moana, released in 2016, was Oscar-nominated and made $687m (£540m) at the box office worldwide. It became the most-streamed movie in the US, according to Disney. The new film appeals to fans of the original, who may be adults or teenagers now, and Disney hopes to hold a new generation of children’s interest. A sequel as a Disney+ series was previously announced, but in February, the movie was revealed to go to cinemas instead. The songs composed by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, who became famous after creating an unofficial Bridgerton musical on TikTok, are part of Moana 2’s soundtrack. The movie premiered in UK cinemas on November 29, 2024.
In conclusion, Dwayne Johnson expressing his views on cinema etiquette related to singing in cinemas during Moana 2’s red carpet event in London has been a highlight. Moana 2 reunites Moana and Maui three years after their adventure and includes an “unlikely crew of seafarers.” Fans turned up to witness the premiere, and Cravalho still carried the same excitement and fervor as before. Johnson talked about the difference between his roles in wrestling and as a demigod and his daughters’ excitement over his return to his role. Disney released Moana in cinemas despite previously announcing the sequel as a Disney+ series. Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear composed the movie’s soundtrack, and the movie premiered on November 29, 2024, in UK cinemas
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