Couple reunited with lost wedding film after 57 years

A couple in Australia has been reunited with their long-lost wedding footage after it was discovered by chance 57 years later. Aileen and Bill Turnbull got married in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1967 and later moved to Australia, but they did not have a copy of the film. The footage was discovered when an old cine film was digitized for a man in Aberdeen, who later posted an image from it on social media. The couple in Brisbane later recognized themselves.

Mrs. Turnbull watched the film again, which she had only seen once before and told BBC Scotland News that it was an “absolutely amazing” feeling. The couple got married at Mastrick Church in Aberdeen in August 1967. They were filmed leaving the church on equipment borrowed from a work colleague. They borrowed a projector to watch the film and returned it without realizing the film was still with it, and were unable to work out where it had gone. They emigrated to Australia in 1981, where they are now grandparents, both aged 77.

An Aberdeen resident, Terry Cheyne, found the footage when old cine film he had filmed was transferred onto DVD. When he watched it back, there was some wedding footage he knew nothing about. Mr. Cheyne posted a still image, taken from the recording of the happy couple, on a Facebook page but it was almost six months before a shocked Mrs. Turnbull stumbled across the picture. Mr. Cheyne was able to send them a link so they could watch the footage, and it brought back some special memories.

Mr. Cheyne hopes to actually meet the couple if they are able to make it over to Aberdeen on holiday. “I’ve just been glad to help Aileen and Bill,” Mr. Cheyne said. “They are delighted 57 years later. A very happy ending.” Moreover, Mrs. Turnbull says that getting part of their wedding filmed was “probably very unusual” at the time, so finding it was a “surreal” experience. The footage lasted under three minutes but seeing everyone again was “absolutely amazing,” she said

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