The highly anticipated movie adaptation of the popular video game franchise, Borderlands, features a star-studded cast led by Cate Blanchett and Kevin Hart. Directed by Eli Roth, known for his work on Hostel, the sci-fi action comedy follows the journey of infamous outlaw Lillith, played by Blanchett, as she forms an alliance of misfits to find the daughter of the most powerful man in the universe.
The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast including Edgar Ramirez as Atlas, Ariana Greenblatt as Tiny Tina, Florian Munteanu as Krieg, Gina Gershon as Mad Moxxi, Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr. Patricia Tannis, Haley Bennett as Lilith’s mother, and Jack Black lending his voice as Claptrap. The score for the film was composed by Steve Jablonsky, renowned for his contributions to the Transformers film series as well as his work in the video game industry for games such as Gears Of War 3, The Sims 3, and Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.
In addition to the original score, the movie includes licensed music compiled by music supervisor, Trygge Toven, featuring popular artists like Muse and Chaka Khan. Borderlands has been met with mixed reviews by critics, with some calling it a “video game bust” lacking in charm while others applaud the stellar cast and entertaining action sequences.
Despite the mixed reception, fans of the game series are eagerly anticipating the release of the movie adaptation. With its all-star cast, action-packed storyline, and memorable musical score, Borderlands promises to be an entertaining, fast-paced ride for both fans of the video game and action-comedy enthusiasts alike
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