Hot properties: 10 questions about heat pumps answered

Hot properties: 10 questions about heat pumps answered

hen it comes to heating homes, it’s easy to be skeptical of new technology. However, heat pumps have a lot to offer, and it’s time to dispel the myths surrounding them. Max Waddingham, Good Energy’s operations director, is well-versed in the technology, overseeing teams that install heat pumps and owning one himself. He took on the challenge of answering the 10 most common questions about heat pumps.

One of the biggest concerns people have is whether heat pumps will end up costing more to run than traditional oil or gas boilers. However, Waddingham explains that the running costs of his heat pump are actually cheaper than his old boiler. He believes the issue comes down to people forgetting to factor in the cost of pipework and insulation upgrades, which aren’t necessary every time you replace a heat pump.

Another question people often ask is whether they need to insulate their homes before installing a heat pump. Waddingham recommends insulation but explains that it’s a good investment for anyone heating their home with any method. While more insulation means less heat is needed, he points out that if you can heat your home with a boiler, you can heat it with a heat pump too.

Heat pumps are more than 100% efficient, with a typical air source pump being around 400% efficient. Waddingham explains how this is possible, likening it to the efficiency of modern gas boilers. While they’re 92% efficient, 8% of the fuel is lost, making heat pumps more efficient in the long run. Plus, heat pumps tap into heat that already exists, using electricity to unlock it rather than generating heat from scratch.

Overall, Waddingham emphasizes the benefits of heat pumps and encourages people to consider them as a viable option when it comes to heating their homes. Heat pumps are technological advancements that can provide comfort and serve as an excellent way to combat climate change

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