A veteran writer and showrunner on the popular American animated sitcom, The Simpsons, has responded to Kamala Harris’ historic presidential nomination. The development came when Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, announced his withdrawal. The former Vice President immediately endorsed Harris to be his successor, citing the relevance of the decision to the country and himself. The exit of the 81-year-old politician generated a lot of reactions from different famous figures, including singers Ariana Grande and Lizzo, and actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Barbra Streisand, who quickly endorsed Harris, as well as a wave of memes and references on social media.
Of the early cynosures on social media, however, was a post from Al Jean, who shared a picture of Harris beside a photo of Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons. The image showed Lisa as a future US president, wearing an outfit astonishingly like the one Harris wore on the day of Biden’s inauguration. The pictures went viral on social media, generating comments from fans all over the world.
The Simpsons has a remarkable history of predicting and foreshadowing future events, including the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States in 2016. Commenting on this, Al Jean said in 2017 that the show’s ability to make accurate predictions was down to writing over 700 episodes, stating that if you “throw enough darts, you’re going to get some bullseyes.”
Following the announcement of Harris’ nomination, the politician’s campaign reportedly raised a total of $81 million within 24 hours, a record amount raised by any candidate in US history. Moreover, her campaign has been capitalizing on the endorsements and support of celebrities such as Charli XCX, TikTok star Harry Daniels, and late Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman, leading to a lot of social media buzz and interactions.
Overall, Kamala Harris’ historic nomination appears to have garnered a lot of support from various sectors of society, marking a significant moment for democracy in the United States
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