Detective crime drama “The Jetty” is a new BBC series, starring Jenna Coleman. It is created by Cat Jones and follows her character, Detective Ember Manning, as she investigates a fire that occurred in Lancashire and its connection to an unsolved missing persons case from years before. Alongside Coleman, the series stars several other actors, including Tom Glynn-Carney and Laura Marcus. Coleman also serves as an executive producer for the series, alongside Elizabeth Kilgarriff, Sarah Wyatt, Marialy Rivas, Jo McClellan, and Cat Jones.
The show initially debuted in July on BBC One, with all four episodes available to stream on BBC iPlayer. The soundtrack of the show is composed by Tim Morrish, who has previously worked on Netflix series such as “One Day”, “Fifteen-Love”, and “Red Rose”. The opening title sequence features the track “Fire and Water” by Let’s Play Dead. The series was filmed across Calderdale in West Yorkshire and Rochdale in Manchester, with locations including Ripponden, Littleborough, Sowerby Bridge, and Todmorden. Filming for the show took place between September and December in 2023.
“The Jetty” is getting great reviews, with fans raving about Jenna Coleman’s performance. Critics have praised the show for its slow burn, steadily building tension, and engrossing story. In addition to its captivating plot, the series is also noted for its standout soundtrack and atmospheric setting. Viewers who enjoy thrilling detective dramas shouldn’t miss this new addition to the BBC’s lineup
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