Renowned UK Grime MC artist, Skepta, is reportedly the subject of a new documentary which will be directed by BAFTA nominee Hector Dockrill. Jointly produced by 1PLUS1 Production and the luxury hospitality and lifestyle marketing entity the H.Wood Group, the production is planned for premiere release in 2025. The documentary is set to explore themes such as cultural identity and artistry, and the life journey of the artist. Dwight Okechukwu, John Terzian, Brian Toll and Jeremy Allen are co-producers of the production.
Speaking of his excitement at the partnership with H.Wood media, Okechukwu stated that he was “thrilled” about their collaborative journey, and enthused at the “endless possibilities that lie ahead”. Terzian spoke of being honoured to have had Skepta entrust them with his story, stating that H.Wood media is “about telling the stories behind the personalities who shape culture and Skepta is undeniably the perfect subject for us.”
Skepta’s achievements already include being the winner of the prestigious Mercury Prize for his 2016 album ‘Konnichiwa’. He also recently made his filmmaking debut with the short film Tribal Mark, of which he was co-director and lead actor. Further to this, he revealed earlier this summer that his clothing line MAINS was to appear in a new runway show for which he was searching for models. The artist is currently readying the release of his album ‘Knife and Fork’, which will be his first release since 2019’s ‘Ignorance is Bliss’.
The Post Malone project by Dockrill arrived back in 2022 and followed Posty as he embarked on his huge 2019 tour. It included backstage footage, live performances, and interviews with both the rapper himself and others. As yet, details of the Skepta documentary, including title and release date, remain unknown
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