Disney+ has unveiled a trailer for its upcoming K-drama, No Way Out: The Roulette. The crime-thriller drama revolves around a police officer, Baek Joong-sik (played by Cho Jin-woong), who has to protect the life of Kim Guk-ho (played by Yoo Jae-myung), a notorious criminal, after his release from prison. A masked vigilante, known for arranging spins on the roulette and handing out rewards for random acts, has put out a hit on Kim; with a KRW 15bn reward on offer, different parties begin plotting their operations to take him down. Different parties start working towards killing Kim for the huge payout, making things difficult for Baek to protect him.
Baek informs Kim about the hit, and then becomes his police bodyguard, responding to the various attacks and attempts on his life. The upcoming K-drama also features Kim Moo-yeol as Lee Sang-bong, a lawyer employed by Kim Guk-ho who argues that his rights are being violated. Yum Jeong-ah plays An Myeong-ja, a powerful politician, and Lee Kwang-soo stars as butcher Yoo Chang-jae, who is attempting to recover a substantial amount of lost money.
The eight-episode series is set to premiere on Disney+ on July 31, 2022. Late actor Lee Sun-kyun was initially scheduled to play the role of officer Baek Joong-sik but dropped out of the project in October 2023 when his drug investigation was made public last year.
In order to add to their K-drama repertoire, Disney+ recently released another trailer, which highlighted The Tyrant, an upcoming series scheduled to debut on the platform in August. Cha Seung-won and Kim Seon-ho will lead the show, which depicts the mayhem that occurs after a dangerous government-developed biochemical enhancer is stolen
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