The BBC is set to launch a new reality series, named Made in Korea: The K-Pop Experience, in collaboration with K-pop agency SM Entertainment. The programme, airing this summer, will follow five UK contestants as they undergo the rigorous training system in South Korea with the hopes of becoming the next global boy band. The contestants will train for 100 days at the SM Entertainment campus, which has produced some of K-pop’s most famous groups in the last 20 years, including Girls Generation, SHINee, EXO, Red Velvet and NCT. The process will be overseen by Hee Jun Yoon, who has played a pivotal role in K-pop.
The series will be produced by Moon&Back Media, which has been involved in the production of hit music talent shows like The X Factor and has worked with groups such as One Direction. It is launched in collaboration with South Korea’s SM Entertainment and Kakao Entertainment and will showcase what it takes to make it in the world of K-pop. The contestants will go through vocal, dance and performance training as well as life coaching sessions. The show will also immerse the contestants in South Korean and K-pop culture.
The series promises to be an exciting prospect for audiences as cameras will go behind the scenes for the first time at SM Entertainment. With some of the best known choreographers and songwriters, as well as the K-pop business’s most revered experts, the contestants will work to create a new boy band. The series is set to air on BBC and BBC iPlayer later this summer.
SM Entertainment CEO, Daniel Jang, said, “through this UK boy group project, we anticipate a palpable synergy between SM Entertainment’s prowess in K-pop production and Moon&Back Media’s expertise in developing music-genre TV shows. This collaboration will yield exceptional content that will captivate pop music fans not only in the UK but worldwide.” This comes following boy band ENHYPEN’s comeback with their second studio album, Romance: Untold, and its title track XO (Only If You Say Yes)
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