Netflix has premiered “Supacell,” a new six-part series co-developed with Rapman. The show follows a group of Black South Londoners who unexpectedly develop superpowers and are brought together by a man named Michael Lasaki to save the woman he loves. A Netflix U.K. representative said that the series was part of the company’s ongoing success in bringing more award-winning British series, including “The Crown,” “After Life,” and “Top Boy,” to the streaming platform.
Speaking with Games Radar, Rapman said that while he understands that the superhero genre has been overused, “Supacell” is different because it is a superpower drama about normal people facing extraordinary circumstances in their own lives, rather than saving the world. The soundtrack features tracks from Ghetts, Giggs, and Digga D, and Rapman oversaw its curation.
The full “Supacell” soundtrack includes “Volunteer” by Ghetts, “Mike Wazowski” by Giggs, and “Talk Yo Shit” by Digga D. The series comes with a soundtrack that is compiled by Rapman and spans six 60-minute episodes. The show aims to reinvent the superhero genre while still maintaining its unique charm
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