The hit animated series, Rick and Morty, managed to smoothly transition into its seventh season despite cutting ties with co-creator Justin Roiland. The show follows the adventures of cynical scientist Rick Sanchez and his grandson Morty Smith as they navigate family life and interdimensional escapades across infinite realities. It has been widely acclaimed since its inception in 2013, even winning two Emmys for Outstanding Animated Programme.
The new season comes complete with new voice actors Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden, as Roiland has been removed from the show since the end of the sixth season. Fans eagerly awaited the news of a release date for season 8, but as of June 17, there is still no specific date. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the eighth season is set to debut in 2025, ending the show’s streak of debuting new seasons annually. This delay is reportedly due to last year’s writers’ strike holding up production on new episodes.
Adult Swim renewed the show for 70 more episodes back in 2018, taking it up until at least season 10. Fans anxiously anticipate the anime spin-off, Rick And Morty: The Anime, which is set to air in 2024 from director Takashi Sano. It will feature 10 episodes, building upon various animated short films from the series but with a unique Japanese twist.
Despite the delay, Rick and Morty fans have plenty to look forward to with a new season on the horizon and an exciting anime spin-off coming soon
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