My Hero Academia has established itself as one of the most popular anime shows of recent times. The show is based on a manga series by Kōhei Horikoshi and follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a boy without any superpowers who gets enrolled in a prestigious high school for superheroes after being granted a “quirk” by the world’s greatest hero, All Might.
Since its debut in April 2016, the show has become a global phenomenon and has spawned three animated films: My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising, and My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission. A live-action film adaptation is currently in development at Netflix, being directed by Shinsuke Sato of Alice In Borderland fame.
Prior to the currently airing seventh season, My Hero Academia consisted of 138 episodes, with each season having 25 episodes except for the first one which has 13. The seventh season, set to conclude later this year, will have 21 episodes in total, bringing the total episode count to 159.
The manga series first began in 2014 and has spanned 40 volumes as of April 2024. There are also various spin-off series, including My Hero Academia: Smash!!, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, and My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, which span five volumes, 15 volumes, and six volumes respectively
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