My Hero Academia is a highly acclaimed anime show, widely considered as one of the best around. The series, based on the manga by Kōhei Horikoshi, centers around the life of a boy named Izuku Midoriya. Born without superpowers, he is granted a “quirk” by All Might, the world’s greatest hero, and is subsequently enrolled in a prestigious high school for superheroes in training.
First aired in April 2016, the show has since achieved worldwide popularity. Following a four-part recap titled My Hero Academia: Memories, the series’s seventh season is scheduled to premiere this month on Crunchyroll.
The first episode of the seventh season of My Hero Academia will be released on Saturday, May 4 at 2:30 AM PT/5:30 AM ET in the US on Crunchyroll. For UK viewers, it will air at 10:30 AM BST. Subsequent episodes will air weekly every Saturday from this date, with a total expected count of 25 episodes, similar to previous seasons.
Crunchyroll revealed a trailer for the seventh season in April, which fans can check out above. In other news, a live-action film adaptation of the series is in production at Netflix, which was initially announced in 2018. Joby Harold, the screenwriter of Obi-Wan Kenobi, is working on the project, with Shinsuke Sato, director of Alice In Borderland set to take the helm. Meanwhile, fans can expect to see the fourth film installment of My Hero Academia, titled My Hero Academia: You’re Next, to be screened in Japan this August, with an international release date yet to be announced
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