Fridge-wearing marathon runner gets down on one knee

Fridge-wearing marathon runner gets down on one knee
Fridge-wearing marathon runner gets down on one knee

A London Marathon runner wearing a fridge on his back popped the question to his girlfriend during this year’s race. The runner, named Daniel, proposed to Hayley while carrying the hefty 26.5kg fridge on his back, causing a slightly wobbly moment as he got down on one knee. Despite the extra weight, Daniel finished the 26.2-mile course, which saw a record number of over 50,000 participants this year.

The proposal was captured on camera and has since gone viral, with many people congratulating the couple on this unique and memorable moment. While wearing a fridge during a marathon might seem unusual, it has been done before for charitable purposes. In fact, Daniel’s fridge-carrying run was in support of the mental health charity “Heads Together”, and he ended up raising over £5,000 for the cause.

The London Marathon is one of the world’s most famous and popular marathon events, attracting runners from all over the globe. Despite the challenges of training and completing such a long race, many people find the experience to be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. It’s not uncommon for marathon runners to set personal goals for themselves or to run for a specific cause or charity, as was the case with Daniel’s fridge-carrying run.

After the excitement of the marathon and the proposal, the couple will undoubtedly have some celebratory time together. Whether they’ll continue running together or stick to something a bit less strenuous remains to be seen, but it’s clear that this year’s London Marathon will be a truly unforgettable experience for them both

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