Eric Bauza has taken over the role previously played by Ezra Miller in the Amazon Prime animated series Invincible. Miller played the character of D.A. Sinclair, a mad scientist who aims to enhance humanity. Bauza, who has previously worked on X-Men ‘97 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, will now take on the role.
Miller faced legal issues in 2022, including allegations of using violence and other intimidation tactics to influence an adolescent, and two arrests in Hawaii, one for disorderly conduct and harassment, and another for second-degree assault. They have also pleaded guilty to a trespassing charge and have a felony burglary charge pending against them.
Prosecutors have recommended a year’s probation, $500 fine, and 89 to 90 days in a suspended sentence if Miller is found guilty in the burglary case. Miller has since apologized for their past behavior and sought treatment for their “complex mental health issues”. In June 2022, it was reported that Miller would be dropped from future DC Films after the release of The Flash, in which they played the lead role.
Season one of Invincible, an ultraviolent superhero series, received a four-star review from NME’s Dan Seddon. He described it as wildly unpredictable, with plot twists and a narrative so ruthless that it made Game of Thrones’ infamous Red Wedding look like a summer tea party. Season two has been split into two parts, with the first four episodes premiered in November 2022, and the three-part finale set to air weekly until April 4, 2023.
With Miller’s exit and the introduction of Bauza, fans of Invincible can look forward to seeing how the show progresses as it continues to explore its unique superhero universe
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