The world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been struck by an outbreak known as the dragonsplague, with players of the video game witnessing entire cities being wiped out as a result. The dragonsplague affects pawns at random and can cause them to become violent towards NPCs if they are not cured in time. As whole towns are destroyed by the disease, valuable characters needed for mainline quests are also eliminated. The game’s autosave function means that players cannot easily reverse the damage caused.
Many players have taken to social media to discuss the devastating impact of the dragonsplague. One Reddit user lamented the fact they had lost nearly all the NPCs in Vernworth, including important storyline characters. Other NPCs will return after three days, but key characters will need to be resurrected with a wake stone. Pawns infected with the dragonsplague can be recognised by their red eyes and moody responses, and players have found that they can be cured by allowing them to die in battle or by throwing them off a cliff.
While some players enjoy the mayhem caused by the dragonsplague, others have criticised the mechanic as serving no purpose and only making the game more frustrating. The game also features a number of paid microtransactions, leading some to speculate that the plague mechanic was included to encourage players to buy wake stones.
Director Hideaki Itsuno has revealed that he wanted to include the plague mechanic in the original Dragon’s Dogma game, but technical limitations prevented its inclusion. Capcom has confirmed that the first patch for Dragon’s Dogma 2 will address lag issues and allow players to start a new game more easily. The patch is set to be released soon.
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