The hit television adaptation of game franchise, Halo, has wrapped up its second season, leaving many fans eager to know if there will be a third. Created by Kyle Killen and Steven Kane, the show streams on Paramount+, with its final eighth episode premiering on March 21st.
Season two takes place six months after the first and sees Master Chief John-117 lead his group against the aliens, known as the Covenant. Given the significant departure from the stories and characters of the games, co-creator of the original Halo games, Marcus Lehto, has expressed his confusion regarding the show’s inspiration, saying that it was “not the Halo I made.”
Despite Lehto’s comments, NME gave Halo a three-star review in its first season, praising the show’s serious approach to its grand science fiction concepts.
While the second season’s announcement coincided with the first season’s airing, there has been no announcement for a third season yet. Showrunner David Wiener commented in an interview with Collider that “I hope we get the chance to make more… That’s totally the intention. You do think about it. I would be lying if I said we didn’t.” With the show’s relative success, it seems likely that a third season will eventually be announced, leaving fans with hopeful anticipation
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