The popular Channel 4 crime drama series Deadwater Fell, featuring former Doctor Who star David Tennant, is now available to stream on Netflix. The four-part drama, which aired in January 2020, follows the tragedy of a family residence in a remote Scottish village. The fire at the Kendrick family home resulted in the loss of a mother and her three children. All members of the family were found to have been drugged, prompting questions about the cause of the fire.
Tennant portrays the father, Tom Kendrick, while Anna Madeley plays his partner, Kate. The critically acclaimed series also features Cush Jumbo, who has also appeared in Doctor Who and The Good Wife, as well as Matthew McNulty of The Rising and Looking for Eric. Daisy Coulam, the creator and writer of the series, is also known for helming another popular crime drama, ITV’s Grantchester.
Deadwater Fell concludes with a dramatic revelation. In a flashback, the audience is shown the events just before the fire. Tom discovers, from listening to Kate’s voicemails, that she has decided to leave him with the children and file for divorce. The couple has a heated argument, resulting in their daughter Emily running out of the house. Tom puts her to bed after finding her. Kate later discovers Tom and Emily dead and decides to seek Tom’s help. He injects Kate with a lethal dose, and when smoke fills the home, he calls his mother and then takes his own life. In the final scene, Tom lies in a hospital bed as the police arrest him for the murder of his wife and children.
In an interview with the Radio Times, Coulam explained that she wanted to make a statement about the men who commit familicide. She said, “I found it really interesting that people have looked everywhere. In fact, they say it’s too obvious to be Tom. I felt all along we wanted to say something about the men who commit these crimes, because it is men who are more likely to commit familicide than women.
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