The 2024 Grammy Awards held in February were nothing short of spectacular with fabulous performances and talented artists being recognized for their achievements. Among the winners is Dry Cleaning, a post-punk band from London, which won the award for Best Recording Package for their album, ‘Stumpwork’. The album has received significant praise since its release in 2022, and the unconventional artwork used on the cover raised eyebrows on social media. The band takes home the award for the unconventional artwork, beating out other artists such as The Arcs, Brad Breeck, Caroline Rose, Ensemble Cadenza 21′ and Leaf Yeh.
The award for Best Recording Package is a Grammy category presented for the visual look of an album. Unlike most awards, the trophy is presented to the art director of the winning album, not the performer, unless the performer is also the art director. The Grammy for Best Recording Package was first launched in 1959 as the award for Best Album Cover. In 1964, it was divid
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