The second season of popular reality TV show ‘The Traitors’ took place at a Scottish Highland castle in January of this year. The series, hosted by Claudia Winkleman, sees 22 contestants battle it out for a prize pool of £120,000. Some are chosen at the outset as ‘Traitors’ who must eliminate other players, while the rest are ‘Faithful’ and must work out who the Traitors are to win the cash.
The winner of season 2 was revealed as Harry, who managed to oust all other contestants to take the full prize alone. In the final, Evie was banished before the remaining players voted Andrew out. Next, Jas was banished before being revealed to be actually Faithful. Harry and Mollie were left and after a tense finale, Harry was victorious.
Despite the show’s popularity, some have criticised its rather cut-throat format. Nevertheless, the BBC have announced plans for a third season, and interested parties can apply through BBC Take Part. Applications close on February 11th, 2024. It has been promised that the new season will have even more psychological gameplay and challenges, and of course Claudia as the host
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