The sci-fi drama film, The Kitchen, directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares portrays a post-apocalyptic London community known as the Kitchen. In this near-future, social housing no longer exists and the community refuses to be forced out of their home. The film follows the lives of Izi, played by Kane ‘Kano’ Robinson, and Benji, played by Jedaiah Bannerman, as they navigate through their dystopian world.
The cast also includes Hope Ikpoku Jr, Teija Kabs, Demmy Ladipo, Cristale, BackRoad Gee, Rasaq Kukoyi, and Ian Wright as Lord Kitchener. Initially, the film had a limited run in cinemas before it was later released on Netflix on January 19, 2024.
The core plot of the film involves revenge by Staples’s gang after the police raid, which led to the death of the community leader, Lord Kitchener. Benji, feeling abandoned by Izi when he chose to move to a luxurious single apartment on his own, joins Staples as they plan an attack on the same Buena Vida building, where Izi now resides. However, Benji gets disturbed by the gang’s violent methods, and he runs back to his old home, where Izi is waiting for him.
When Benji returns to the Kitchen, Izi initially struggles to make amends, but their reunion blossoms when he shows Benji his mother’s burial plant that was almost being discarded. Benji forgives Izi, and together, they head back to the Kitchen to repot the plant in a roof garden. Unfortunately, the police arrive, leading to yet another raid, and they seek sanctuary in Izi’s old apartment, where they watch as Staples and other residents fight back against the officers.
As they look out the window, Izi finally accepts that Benji is his son and asks him if he would like him to be his dad. The audience is left with a cliffhanger, as the movie fades to black, with the sound of the police banging against the door, creating an ambiguously in the fate of Izi and Benji.
The Kitchen is definitely a unique and captivating movie that gives a glimpse into a world that is both bleak and brutal. It is currently available for streaming on Netflix
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